Wednesday, June 22, 2011

FREE Ticket Giveaway -- Attend the MidSouth Paranormal Convention!!

ParaChallenged Radio has 5 tickets left to the MidSouth Paranormal Convention to give away, and you could be one of the lucky winners!  Here's how...

Send an email with the subject line "Send Me To MidSouth!!" to  Be sure to include your full name and phone number.  A drawing will be held on Wednesday 6/29/11 and the tickets will be given to the first five names drawn*.  Get your email sent NOW!!

If you're not a winner in the drawing, don't worry--it is not too late to purchase tickets and attend!  For more information on the MidSouth Paranormal Convention, guest list, and to purchase tickets, please visit

*(One ticket per entry, one entry per person, on winner per household.  Members of ParaChallenged/Jackalope Radio productions not eligible) 

The ParaChallenged Recap -- Darren Evans and the ZoZo phenomena

by Anita Brown

Having read much of the information on Darren's website, I was really looking forward to last night's show, and I was not disappointed!!

The ZoZo phenomena, and Ouija boards in general, is a controversial subject that much of the paranormal field is divided on. Many people don't believe that there is any truth behind talk of the Ouija being dangerous, and do not believe in entities such as ZoZo existing.

Darren Evans' experiences with the board and the spirit that comes from it named ZoZo lead him into a lifelong quest to find the truth behind this phenomena. Truth, however, is a little difficult to discern when it comes to the paranormal. Does Darren have all of the answers? Not yet, and he is the first to tell you that he is no expert, he doesn't know all of the facts, and he may never know them but it is amazing just how much about this phenomena he DOES know.

Here are some facts that we do have regarding ZoZo:

  • It is a world wide phenomena, happening to people from many different cultures, religions, and backgrounds. The common factor is not in the people, but in the manner in which ZoZo contacts them.

  • In a book written in 1906, ZoZo is described as a demon, being one and the same as Pazuzu, the Assyrian-Chaldean god that appears in the movie The Exorcist.

  • The ZoZo entity has made many predictions of future events that have come to fruition.

There are many other facts about the ZoZo phenomena, along with other accounts of experiences with ZoZo that can be found at Darren's Blogspot page,

Darren had two hours with our hosts to discuss this phenomena, and he was a wonderful guest full of information, opinions, and most importantly, honesty. Darren also talked about how he has been treated in some instances regarding his opinions on “Mr.Z” as he calls him, and the Ouija Board phenomena that revolves around the letter Z. Criticism has been high, yet he continues on, documenting everything he finds, fining commonalities among them that many others may have missed, and researching for other instances of ZoZo in history.

Many have accused him of being obsessed...if that is the case, then I ask you all, are we not ALL obsessed? Do we not all continue, investigation after investigation, book after book and article after article read, data after data analyzed, to research the area of paranormal that we are interested in, in constant search of answers? Most of us prefer to call ourselves 'passionate' or 'determined'. Most of us say we are not willing to give up. I ask why should Darren be any different? I also ask how any of us can claim to know things about this phenomena that Darren doesn't until we have put the hours into it that he has? Some things to think about...

If you have experienced ZoZo or any other Z entity, or happen to come across a case involving this phenomena, feel free to contact Darren, he is more than willing to help. And try to have an open mind. :)

To download the archive of this show, click here: Parachallenged Radio - 06-21-11

Archives of ParaChallenged Radio are available at

Be sure to tune in every Tuesday night at 7 pm CST/8 pm EST to listen to more great guests and subject matter, and join us in chat to ask your questions! Just come to We'll see you soon...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Low to High Oscillation Theory

Many people have asked me why spirits put off electromagnetic energy. Many investigators use EMF detectors to pick up on the presence of spirits, and have even used them to get yes and no answers to questions presented to these unseen entities. The answer isn’t easy, and a lot of research has been needed.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum is made up of several different types of waves. In order from longest wavelength to shortest, they are radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, thevisible spectrum (light),ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. Electromagnetic waves can be measured by their wave length, their energy type, and their frequency. The shorter the wavelength on the spectrum, the higher the frequency.

To apply the Electromagnetic Spectrum to spirit activity to produce the following theory, we must look at temperature and light to understand manifestation. Longer wavelengths produce heat, shorter wave lengths are cool. When a spirit manifests, the longer wavelengths (lower frequencies) are used to take in energy. The spirit is then able to convert the electromagnetic radiation into shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies) and put them back out to produce an effect that is detectable by us or our equipment.

So how does this affect our investigation techniques? As I stated in my last article, to use the right kind of light is extremely important. Through trial and error, it seems that the best light to use is on the lower end of the visible spectrum. This would be red light. Although infrared is a longer wavelength, it is also a hotter one, most likely too hot for the spirit to effectively be able to manipulate. To send out the shorter wavelengths/higher frequencies is going to have a reverse effect on the spirit’s capability to convert that energy and manifest. Once we have left the visible spectrum on this end and have gone into the ultraviolet radiation, this might possibly damage or “hurt” the spirit’s own electromagnetic “balance” as I’ll call it.

What is this balance? An electromagnetic wave is a never ending process, as an oscillating electric field generates an oscillating magnetic field, the magnetic field in turn generates an oscillating electric field, and so on. Together, these oscillating fields are what form an electromagnetic wave. This rhythm is changed with the different levels of wavelength and frequency. Based on investigative experience and research, spirits operate on a long-to-short wave oscillation. Spirits are made up of electromagnetic energy. In order to do things, they must be able to take long wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum to add to their own field. This now gives them more long waves than short ones. Next, they transform the extra long wavelengths into shorter wavelengths. As the extra shorter wavelengths are then released back into the environment, what we call a manifestation occurs. We see or hear what the entity has sent out, and the entity is then returned to the balance of its own field.

Quite commonly, when paranormal activity occurs, many investigators will find that their batteries are drained, the lights will dim, they may feel weak or tired, all just before a manifestation occurs. This is the spirit taking the longer hotter wavelengths. Next, during or just after a manifestation, there will be an extremely cold area found or a breeze felt. This is the spirit putting the shorter cooler wavelengths back out. All forms of manifestation tend to start on the lower end of the spectrum. For example, amazing results in spirit communication have been achieved with using “ghost boxes”, which is thought to be the spirit manipulating the radio waves.

Radio waves are on the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum, which already gives spirits an edge. Within the radio waves we find the noise spectrum. My experience with the ghost box has been more specifically with what is known in the field as the ‘Radio Shack Hack”. The Shack Hack operates by removal of the pin that mutes the signal to keep it in one place, allowing the radio to randomly sweep the AM or FM bands. All of the success my team has had has been with the AM band, and we have found the FM band to be completely useless. The AM band also happens to be on the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum.

As the radio sweeps, this generates what is called white noise. In the noise spectrum, white noise encompasses the entire noise spectrum. This provides both a low and high frequency of noise to be used. If the spirits take in the low frequencies for use, and then put out the higher frequencies for manifestation, white noise would be the platform to do this on, allowing both the frequency needed to provide the entity with the extra lower frequencies, and the frequency needed to communicate their voice manifestations back to us in the form of the extra higher frequencies so that we may hear them. This is also why many investigators have success when using white noise generators while recording audio. This provides a platform of frequencies for communication to occur on and be recorded. There are several other “colors” on the noise spectrum, which all need to be experimented on as well, and we will be running several experiments to see which, if any, may provide better or different platforms for electronic voice phenomena to occur, but with the theory of the low-to-high oscillation, white noise does indeed fit as the best platform to use.

After all of the trial and error presented here within investigative research, the question still remains as to what exactly is there scientifically to support the low-to-high oscillation theory? The answer is the Doppler Effect.

In order for us to be able to detect a manifestation when it is made up of shorter wavelengths, these wavelengths have to be able to move toward us in order to become clear enough for us to see. The Doppler Effect is the change in frequency due to the motion of the wave source and/or the observer. If both the source and the observer are stationary, the frequency is going to remain unchanged, for example if the source sends out one wave per second, the observer will receive one wave per second. However, if the source begins to move closer to the observer, these waves are going to come faster and faster and become shorter as the distance closes. If the source is moving away, the waves are going to become longer.

When the Doppler Effect is applied to the electromagnetic spectrum (light) and the theory presented here on paranormal activity, if the spirit moves away from the observer, the longer waves are going to be generated. Generally, we all know that the farther away something is, the more difficult it becomes to see or hear. If the spirit moves closer, the waves are going to become shorter. These short waves are what is going to make up any manifestation that occurs, and is, of course, easier to see if it is allowed to move toward us. To introduce short waves of light is going to have a reverse effect on what the spirit is trying to accomplish, causing us to become the manifestation instead of what the spirit is putting out, due to the fact that we are putting out more short waves than the spirit is. We will have become the source, and the spirit will have become the observer. For the oscillation to occur correctly to create the best conditions for manifestation, only long waves must be sent out by us to provide some light with which we or our equipment can see, if we put out any waves at all. This allows the spirit to move closer, pushing out the short waves that create the manifestation.

The Doppler Effect also applies to the use of white noise. White noise is made up of random frequencies that comprise the entire noise spectrum. It is impossible to measure the shifts in frequencies within white noise, because there is no ordered spectrum to use. Although the frequencies are random, the presence of the entire noise spectrum provides the different levels of frequencies needed for the Doppler Effect to occur. This would allow the spirit to take the random lower frequencies from within the noise spectrum and then move the sounds closer to us with the higher frequencies, all within the same platform. The presence of the entire noise spectrum also provides the spirit with every level of frequency needed to produce different sounds that are combined to form words. Just how these sounds come out more than likely rely on the entity’s thought forms that retain information as to how their voices sounded when emanating from their vocal chords during their physical existence.

Exactly how does a spirit retain memories and thought forms? In a live human body, brain activity creates electromagnetic energy. This energy then creates imprints in the brain that we experience as trauma, pain, thoughts, and memory. This electromagnetic energy can be measured scientifically with an electroencephalogram (EEG). When we look at quantum mechanics, energy cannot cease to exist, it can only change forms. When the body dies, the electromagnetic energy cannot cease to exist, therefore it has only changed forms. A spirit that is made of the electromagnetic energy field that existed in the body in human form will retain the imprints that the energy field created. The more we are able to understand all aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum, the closer to finding the answers as to how paranormal activity occurs we get.

Paranormal Journalist- Anita Whitt Brown 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Common Sense in Paranormal Investigation

How can common sense factor into paranormal investigations? What role does common sense play? In what aspects of investigating the unknown are the most important?
According to the definition of common sense is, sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

Now that we have the definition of common sense, we can factor into an investigation in several ways. The first and foremost application of common sense needs to be in safety. Always know your location. Scouting a location prior to the investigation will reveal hazards in the daytime hours that will help you navigate around them during investigations that take place after dark.

The second way common sense can factor into an investigation is research. Researching a location's history, including the land it stands on, is an important way to clue in on what type of activity may be taking place there. Your research could likely indicate tragedies that occurred, sacred burial grounds, or different topographical ingredients that may play a role in residual hauntings. It has been theorized that limestone, quartz, and magnetite, can help events leave an imprint, much like that of a tape recorder recording, that plays back in the present world.

Common sense needs to be present during investigations in documentation. Documenting start times, end times, temperature, barometric pressure, moon phases, dew points, and current weather conditions are all important factors in backing any evidence you may leave the location with, whether they be photographs, video evidence, electronic voice phenomena (EVP). These factors, if documented may also guide you in further investigations when trying to recreate captured evidence in the same location at a later date.

Common sense should tell us to be aware of our surroundings when taking photographs. Paying attention to light sources that can create shadows can keep you from thinking you've captured a shadow spirit, when what you've actually captured is just the shadow of an object. Dirt, bugs, and dust particles reflect light sources which are often mistakenly categorized as orbs, unexplained balls of energy. Taking pictures in reflective surfaces can sometimes cause false positives. If a reflective surface has dirt, grime, film, or dust particles on it, your photo may show an anomaly, but an explainable one.

Using common sense in dealing with a location, and it's owner/s is key to the field. Treating locations with respect reflects well on your team and the paranormal community as a whole. Don't litter, don't vandalize, and don't steal.

Common sense helps us rule out the explainable from the unexplainable, but also helps us to maintain good relations with homeowners, business owners, and the land owners that come to us for answers whey they are experiencing the unexplained.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Let's Talk About Shadow People: Are They Getting A Bad Rap?

They are commonly regarded in modern folklore and paranormal popular culture as malicious or evil spirits. Why? Are they two dimensional beings? 

Well, no one really knows for sure. Some believe that because they appear dark that they are associated with evil. Many have encountered them in various locations, at various times of both the day and night time hours. Some reports indicate encounters that were neither menacing or frightening, they just went about what it is they do.  Another report came from an investigator who encountered a shadow person that charged at her during an investigation, stopping within only inches of her face, obviously frightening her.  

Are they aggressive entities? Most would say yes, some would say no. Are they as most animals in nature, more scared of us then we are of them? I don't know, but I can say that incidents involving shadow people can be quite disturbing.  

Does their darkness indicate relation to dark forces, or is it just our perception? Reports of encounters remain frequent, so hopefully, some theories either proving or disproving not only their existence, but their classification can be determined at some point down the line. 

Have you had a shadow person encounter? Feel free to share in the comments section!!   

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Review Of Haunted Collector's Premiere Show

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 on SyFy

The show started out with John Zaffis's opening dialogue equalling a shortened, and very condensed version of his history in the paranormal community.  After a brief team introduction, they proceeded to the first case at the Wilder House, in Lake Charles Louisiana where there were reports of typical haunting symptoms.  John focused on a doll and a painting as possibly haunted objects while conducting the day time walk through.  During that time baseline EMF's (Electromagnetic Field) and EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) sessions were done in which one voice was captured in response to a question. 

One thing I found refreshing was the statement that spirits are around 24/7, including during the day.  The team's Brian Cano did unearth a box with containing a pistol from underneath the home while investigating a cold spot on the kitchen floor.  It lead John to ask if it was the possible cause of the disturbances in the home, so he took it to the Lake Charles Gun Club to see if they could help him find out the type of pistol. It was determined to be an English manufactured pistol dating back to the 1950's. 

John has over 1000 items in his haunted museum, and the pistol found during the investigation has now taken up residence among his other haunted objects.

The second case was at the Deep River Public Library in Connecticut. The children that frequent the library are fearful, and the team is eager to help out. Experiences range from reports of a female figure on the stairs, to something rushing past people that use the library. The focus begins on artifacts on the main library floor.  The first object is an old stove, then in the attic there is an old typewriter (Dating back to 1914) that is heard clicking away from downstairs. In the basement there were reports of talking coming from 2 stone blocks on the floor. 

The initial sweep starts with EMF readings to find spikes, of which there weren't until the attic was investigated, and the non electrical typewriter was found to be giving off EMF, which shouldn't be possible. It was interesting to see their approach to the situation. The old school methods of hanging ropes from the ceiling to show paranormal movement on video are refreshing, especially if there is no breeze.  

It was deducted that the typewriter may be the property of the original owner of the building, and may be the subject of the attachment. It now resides in John's haunted object museum. The activity reportedly calmed down two months after the typewriter's removal.  

I am hoping that this show remains "real", and that it is an asset to the Paranormal Community as a whole.

In my opinion, the Haunted Collector is the equivalent of American Pickers meets the Paranormal, and I look forward to future episodes.