Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31st 2011 ParaChallenged Radio Welcomes Paranormal Boot Camp Events Director Syd Schultz & PRISMd Chief Investigator Jim Jones!!

We had a great time talking with both Syd Schultz, and Jim Jones on ParaChallenged Radio!! Syd has been investigating for approximately 6 years, and has been influential in the TAPS Family as the former Western United States Liaison, as well as being a teammate of the West Coast TAPS team.  He has investigated with both Ghost Adventures and Ghost Lab television teams, and has appeared on episodes of those shows.  

Syd currently restarted The Paranormal Boot Camp, which is an all inclusive look into methods used for Paranormal Investigations.  All levels of investigator have attended the Boot Camp, from newbies to the more seasoned team.  Knowledge available to those who attend range from how to start a team, to proper use of field equipment and so much more.  Syd will even show you how to go about obtaining a business license, and show you how to submit the proper forms for a 501(c) 3. You'll get a first hand look at standard operating procedures, and protocols, as well as how to conduct a client interview, how to screen Psychics and Sensitives, and so much more! 

Syd is the Director/Founder of City Of Angels Paranormal, and though he has had and intense experience, his approach to the paranormal is more of a technical/skeptical angle.  Rational explanations are searched out first, and the main team goal is in providing assistance to those in need.  

If you would like more information on opportunities to attend The Paranormal Boot Camp Events that Syd puts on in various reportedly haunted locations across California, you can go to www.ParanormalBootCampEvents.com!! Tell Syd ParaChallenged Radio sent ya!! 

In the second half we had the pleasure of talking with Jim Jones who is the Founder and Chief Investigator of PRISMd, the Paranormal Research And Investigation Society Of Maryland. www.PRISMd.net Jim has many stories of his experiences with the paranormal, and his approach is that of what he does for a living- Law Enforcement.  His investigative skills are similar to that of criminal investigations. He, and his Case Manager Rie Sadler were recently featured May 6, 2011 on a great episode of The Haunted on the Animal Planet Channel.  The case involved a family that was being attacked by vampires, not the blood sucking type, or even the Twilight tween type, but by a psychic vampire. Psychic vampires literally thrive on negative energy, and can drain it's victims as well as others in the family.  

Jim is very knowledgeable about Gettysburg, as well as the history of locations in Maryland. He has much insight from a law enforcement stand point on vandalism, and breaking and entering for the sake of paranormal investigations.  

You can expect to hear more from Jim Jones on ParaChallenged Radio in the near future, he's an awesome interview, and has much more to share!! 

The Paranormal- from Taboo to Mainstreet

Anyone who was experiencing any type of unexplained phenomena prior to 2004, would have also experienced difficulty in discussing the strange, and bizarre events with, well, anyone.
Imagine you, personally, were hearing strange noises. Perhaps, sounds of footsteps when you knew no one else was "physically" there. Picture setting an object down in one location, and finding it in an entirely different location moments later, when no one else was home. Unsettling, you bet.
Prior to the paranormal becoming a mainstream, weekly TV show, would you have been able to discuss these events with friends, and family without feeling like you were going a tad bit, crazy? It's unlikely.
The paranormal field has blossomed from a taboo subject, into a full blown media, television & movie firestorm. The spirits of those who cannot rest are helping many cash in on what is yet to be accepted by the scientific community.
Some shows have possibly incited many to start attending organized religion to protect themselves from the demons they insist are prevalent in many episodes. Other shows are a little more slow paced, and seem to have evolved as much as the equipment they use, which could mean either way; too much, or too little.
As the days progress, I believe we'll see more, and more paranormal activity on television, and in the movies. I see this as both a blessing, and a curse. The blessing is, it has opened up the possibility of dialog in regards to the unexplained, but it can also damage paranormal field by possibly contaminating the credibility of those who are legitimately searching for answers to the afterlife; depending on how it is presented.
In today's day of paranormal openness, if you or someone you know are experiencing the unexplained, there are many reputable teams available to guide, counsel, and help. Look at websites carefully, if they are charging a fee, they aren't legit. Please keep that in mind when Googling paranormal investigators in your area.

Seeing Symbolic Elevens- What Does it Mean?

Seeing Symbolic Elevens
Perhaps you've heard of others describing their bizarre experiences with the number 11, or you've seemingly found yourself finding the number eleven turning up at the oddest of times. The frequency in which you encounter this number leaves you baffled as to what it is supposed to mean to you.
In my case, the number 11 makes it's appearance usually at the oddest times. I'll ask what time it is from someone near by, and I'll hear something:11 O'clock. If I happen to glance at the time and it's eleven after the hour, I have noticed that it seems to be the longest minute ever; until it changes to 12 minutes after the hour, but I can't look away until it does.
Reading the newspaper, the number 11 seems to pop right off the page as if begging me to see it. What does it mean? It seems to come to me more so in times of high stress, anxiety, or turmoil. Am I to assume as some would have me believe that it is my guardian angel communicating with me? Or, perhaps it's something sinister? Or, is it that 1, 11, 11:11 or any series of 1 is the most recognizable to the human mind?
Many people have developed their own theories regarding this phenomena/coincidence, I however, have begun to document what is going on in my life at the time of the elevens. I would like to find out if there is any correlation whatsoever between periods of angst, and the seeming common 11's seen within that time.
If I've done the math correctly there is a one out of sixty chance of the clock in particular, arriving at any certain minute. If I look at the clock three to four times an hour, it shouldn't be possible to see 11 minutes after the hour that many times in a day.
On 11/11/10 of this year I without looking at the clock got ready for bed, when I laid down and looked at the clock it was 11:11 on 11/11 I was floored! I did not do it intentionally.
So what is this? Phenomenon or coincidence? Thousands of people are experiencing this same 11 question. Is the number 11 a call to our psyche to wake up? Wake up to what? A higher calling? A greater purpose? Is this notification of the end of times? Bible prophecies? Could it be in relation to the Mayan calendar?
Is it just our innate ability for pattern recognition? Or billions of Celestial beings here to guide us?
Personally I feel slightly comforted by seeing them, it is almost as if someone is trying to tell you something. What that something is I have yet to figure out, but will be keeping my sightings documented, and hopefully that will guide me to a better understanding of when they occur the most.

My Personal Paranormal Experience

My husband and I were both what you could call "healthy skeptics" and pretty much paranormal non believers until we moved into our former home of 8 years. The general uneasiness of the place upon moving in was more than obvious, to me anyway. Upon moving in and setting up the children in their rooms, and us in ours, it was pretty much life as usual; or so I thought. I recall being in my bedroom working at my desk, and out of my peripheral vision seeing a black figure pacing back and forth slowly from the front door to my daughter's bedroom. It appeared to be a female dressed in antique dress, something that would have been the norm for the late 1800's to early 1900's. I never mentioned these incidents to anyone, as I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, or new house jitters. I had also encountered unexplained balls of light that would flit around the room, and from time to time over my hand on my computer mouse. That lead me to believe I needed to have my blood pressure checked. I rationalized it in my mind over and over again considering all possible, reasonable, and logical explanations.
It really wasn't until one particular night we all sat down for supper, and our daughter 3 at the time, asked rather bluntly, "see the lady up there Mommy?" I looked up, looked at her, looked at my husband who was also looking up, he looked at me and we both looked up again. Not seeing anything, I asked her where is the lady now? She proceeded to tell me that the lady was sitting on the counter. I looked over at the counter area, and saw nothing, I looked at my husband he was looking too, and we again looked at each other, while trying to maintain what composure we had left after that hair raising experience. There have been too many things that have happened there to dismiss them all as "normal", believe me he'd have been the first to look into how and why.
I was awoken by my husband early one Easter morning by his eager prompting of me to get up and take a look in the kitchen. There were two chairs that were moved out away from the table, perfectly placed next to each other in the middle of the kitchen as if two people had been sitting there side by side, we joked, if we came back from Easter dinner and the chairs were stacked on the table as they were in the movie Poltergeist, we were outta there.
Our daughter befriended the lady for quite some time, getting irritated with me if I went in her room to check on her, because the lady would go away. I'd asked her many times where the lady went when I came in, and I always received the same answer, to the "spacement" (That's basement in 3 year old lingo) I would then ask her how the lady went to the basement and she always pointed to her closet. That went on for quite some time, until one night we had some friends over, and we were laughing and talking, when all of a sudden we heard her scream then start to cry, she had been sound asleep. We all went running in there to find a very obvious red mark on her face, and her screaming, "the lady hit me!" repeatedly. We calmed her down, our friends were rather unnerved as we had had made the mistake of telling them what had been happening there since we moved in, and they left, rather quickly. The next day I went to our minister and told him what had been happening, and he agreed to come over and bless the house. He too had the same uneasy feeling, that by then we had become somewhat accustomed to. He talked with our daughter without us in the room, and came out to tell us that at 3 years old she had way too much detail to be lying as 3 year olds aren't capable of forming such an elaborate lie, and went on to bless the house; room by room.
In the front entrance is a small door that lead to the basement, it was always near that door that I had felt the most uncomfortable, I followed him down those steep, small stairs and he found it intensely discerning as he neared the bottom step, he told me he felt as if there was an electrical current holding him back. We still said a prayer while on the stairs but never went totally into the basement. Let's just say I didn't go down there unless I really had to. After the house was blessed, things calmed down considerably. The lady was never brought up again by our daughter, and we didn't question her about it after that.
We still had some strange things happening, we've always had a problem with any type of clock that runs on batteries keeping time, new batteries and all, the clock will stop shortly after fresh battery installation. Other than that, a few of us still saw glimpses of things out of the corners of our eyes, but we really didn't discuss it much.
My son, at 14 years old, had things start disappearing, and turning up in the strangest of places. That seemed to quit when he got mad enough to yell out loudly, "knock it off!" There were other instances where he needed to put this same technique to work as well. One night he was lying in bed, and had his keys on his dresser. The key ring he had was like a climbers clip, but it had a light on it. The button to the light was very difficult to push, and you had to hold it in to keep the light lit. He was awoken by the light flashing in his face. He picked up his keys and turned them over thinking that the pressure of the button against the dresser may have been enough to turn the light on. Turning them over didn't help, as it began all over again. He resorted to yelling, "knock it off I have to get up for school tomorrow!" to make it stop and that it did.
The pantry door opened by itself, I would close it and make sure it's closed and latched, and it would be open again the next time I would look. I would keep shutting it, and then usually say something like, this is getting old, and it would stop. Things stopped flying off the top of the fridge (putting things up high became a habit after we had our first child) at 2 am, we went through a period where you could watch this certain roll of electrical tape fly off the top of the refrigerator and land 5 feet away on the floor, go pick it up and put it back, sometimes it would happen again, other times not. It never happened when I got my camera rolling of course.
There are times when things seem very peaceful, and times when you know for certain you're being watched. I had 4 outdoor cats, only one of them would come in, and when he did he would only go about a foot into the living room, and would sit in the doorway and stare in there intently watching even when no one is in there.
December 11, 2006 at approximately 5:30 pm, the kids and I had just finished putting up our Christmas decorations, and we had a tradition of taking a picture with only the candles and holiday lights lit to capture the ambiance. That was the first year we used an artificial tree, it was a six foot tree that we had put almost in a corner between a wall and the front door. The kids knew I didn't need them in the picture so they were sitting patiently on the loveseat across from the tree. The television was on, and they were waiting for me to get out of the way so they could watch the next holiday movie that was about to start. I finished taking pictures, and went to my room to upload them on my computer. In doing so, I saw an image that took my breath away, and I began to sob uncontrollably. My oldest son came in to see why I was crying, and saw the picture. Being the voice of reason, he told me, "Mom, don't cry, if it wanted to hurt us it would have, we were all right there." What he didn't realize, was that I was in tears because I finally had something tangible, something solid, some form of proof that I wasn't crazy. When you experience so many things that you cannot explain, you begin to question the core of your sanity, and wonder how intact it is. While I still cannot to this day explain what it is that showed itself in the picture, or what the light from the ceiling is emanating from, I can say that I am not crazy. Validation is a huge factor when you're going through something like this. (I have used the photo for the beginning of this article)
You know something is not right when your teenage son will not shower without his mother standing guard by the bathroom door. My oldest son was exiting the shower when he witnessed what appeared to be a black mass forming in front of the inside of the white bathroom door, then as he yelled out it dissipated. He was spooked to say the least. It seemed to target him for a while, he was dressing one night in his room, and I was in my bedroom on the opposite end of the house, when I heard him yell for me. I went in there expecting to see him bleeding from an injury, but I found him visibly shaken. I asked him what had happened, and had to wait for him to regain his composure. He pointed to a framed picture hanging on the wall in his bedroom that was swinging from side to side, and then told me a ball shaped black mass formed in front of him as he was getting dressed before it proceeded to fly past him and out through the picture on the wall.
The last, and most recent event prior to our moving out was when my daughter who had just gotten home from school, took some things into the kitchen, and on her way back to her room she set her phone on the computer desk in the living room which is next to her bedroom door. She proceeded into her room, and after being in there a few minutes she heard a thump outside her door. She went to see what happened, and there her phone was on the floor. She knew she had set it back far enough where it wouldn't have fallen, and the boys were in their bedroom, so she knew they hadn't done it. As she was standing back up after picking it up she reported a black hooded figure that she said was shorter than her, run past her from the kitchen toward the door to the boy's room and it vanished. She asked her brothers if they had seen anything, and they told her no, but they did hear her phone fall.
When it came time to move, the discomfort in the house grew. It was more uneasy as ever. I was glad to be moving, yet afraid whatever it was may follow us. We prayed as a family before we walked out the door for the last time, in hopes that we would never have to deal with anything like this again.
This article is just a summation of the encounters we experienced, there were many more, but is revealing to much an invitation to welcome it back into our lives? I'm not sure I want to risk it.

Forever Haunted

If you have endured a haunting, does that mean that your chances for recurrences are more likely, or higher? Is it ever possible to "close the door" on the unexplained?
Many think it depends largely on a person's sensitivity to the unexplained, such as in a psychic sense. Others believe that while you may be able to close the door on one particular experiences, that somehow you're then marked as a future potential target, so to speak.
How do we know that what seems to be the end of one haunting in one location, is the start of a new haunting in a different location? How do we know it isn't the same one that is attached to us physically? No one seems to know how long attachments can last, or if they go dormant; how long they will stay that way.
Upon asking for opinions from those who study the field, the general opinion is that once the door is opened, it can never be completely closed. It was explained to me in terms of alcoholism. A recovering alcoholic can be fine for a span of days, or weeks, but without vigilance; and dedication relapse can happen.
If you begin focusing on phenomena that happened in the past, or dabbling with an Ouija board, or lapse into depression, are abusing drugs, and or alcohol, you leave yourself wide open to an attachment, or worse, a spirit attack.
What I have written here is just a minature look into the issue, and include only some of the factors that can cause activity relapse, or first time phenomena.

White Light Vs Negativity

If you're like any of us on the planet, you too, from time to time experience difficulties. These difficulties often feel negative in nature, and can seem to pile up into what seems to be an endless string of bad luck.
Not only can this lingering negativity drain us emotionally, it can also drain us physically, leaving a feeling of exhaustion in it's wake. Sometimes it seems that no matter what we do, we cannot break the cycle of negativity that is thrust upon us.
The cycle of negative forces seems to be at it's strongest when we are at our weakest. Improper nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, and anxiety can be major factors in how we cope with the wrongs negativity seems to breed. There has to be a way to break the cycle of "bad mojo".
There is. It may to some seem far fetched, but for years people have been using the cleansing power of white light to purify the negativity in their lives. White light has been defined as the universal place that positive energy is harnessed.
How does one go about using that harnessed positivity to clean away the negativity of the day? Many people do it in whatever way makes them the most comfortable. The most popular seems to be a form of light meditation. Sitting, or laying comfortably, with soft music playing, eyes closed; envisioning a bright whitish-yellow warm light slowly approaching you.
As it approaches, picture the negative thoughts, feelings, and happenings in the path of the white light as it nears you, as you begin to feel it surround you. If you concentrate, and focus you can feel the healing power like a hug, but you have to believe in positivity. You have to want to embrace the light as healing.
While the practice is not scientifically proven to provide relief from all of life's difficulties, it will provide you with a relaxing moment of peace to recharge your low battery, and perhaps just get that warm and fuzzy feeling as you go on about your day with a clean aura.