Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Paranormal- from Taboo to Mainstreet

Anyone who was experiencing any type of unexplained phenomena prior to 2004, would have also experienced difficulty in discussing the strange, and bizarre events with, well, anyone.
Imagine you, personally, were hearing strange noises. Perhaps, sounds of footsteps when you knew no one else was "physically" there. Picture setting an object down in one location, and finding it in an entirely different location moments later, when no one else was home. Unsettling, you bet.
Prior to the paranormal becoming a mainstream, weekly TV show, would you have been able to discuss these events with friends, and family without feeling like you were going a tad bit, crazy? It's unlikely.
The paranormal field has blossomed from a taboo subject, into a full blown media, television & movie firestorm. The spirits of those who cannot rest are helping many cash in on what is yet to be accepted by the scientific community.
Some shows have possibly incited many to start attending organized religion to protect themselves from the demons they insist are prevalent in many episodes. Other shows are a little more slow paced, and seem to have evolved as much as the equipment they use, which could mean either way; too much, or too little.
As the days progress, I believe we'll see more, and more paranormal activity on television, and in the movies. I see this as both a blessing, and a curse. The blessing is, it has opened up the possibility of dialog in regards to the unexplained, but it can also damage paranormal field by possibly contaminating the credibility of those who are legitimately searching for answers to the afterlife; depending on how it is presented.
In today's day of paranormal openness, if you or someone you know are experiencing the unexplained, there are many reputable teams available to guide, counsel, and help. Look at websites carefully, if they are charging a fee, they aren't legit. Please keep that in mind when Googling paranormal investigators in your area.

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