Tuesday, May 31, 2011

White Light Vs Negativity

If you're like any of us on the planet, you too, from time to time experience difficulties. These difficulties often feel negative in nature, and can seem to pile up into what seems to be an endless string of bad luck.
Not only can this lingering negativity drain us emotionally, it can also drain us physically, leaving a feeling of exhaustion in it's wake. Sometimes it seems that no matter what we do, we cannot break the cycle of negativity that is thrust upon us.
The cycle of negative forces seems to be at it's strongest when we are at our weakest. Improper nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, and anxiety can be major factors in how we cope with the wrongs negativity seems to breed. There has to be a way to break the cycle of "bad mojo".
There is. It may to some seem far fetched, but for years people have been using the cleansing power of white light to purify the negativity in their lives. White light has been defined as the universal place that positive energy is harnessed.
How does one go about using that harnessed positivity to clean away the negativity of the day? Many people do it in whatever way makes them the most comfortable. The most popular seems to be a form of light meditation. Sitting, or laying comfortably, with soft music playing, eyes closed; envisioning a bright whitish-yellow warm light slowly approaching you.
As it approaches, picture the negative thoughts, feelings, and happenings in the path of the white light as it nears you, as you begin to feel it surround you. If you concentrate, and focus you can feel the healing power like a hug, but you have to believe in positivity. You have to want to embrace the light as healing.
While the practice is not scientifically proven to provide relief from all of life's difficulties, it will provide you with a relaxing moment of peace to recharge your low battery, and perhaps just get that warm and fuzzy feeling as you go on about your day with a clean aura.